Tuesday, January 02, 2007

new year 2007

surprise, surprise! we went to karaoke but this time we tried a new venue; 'bloomsbury bowling alley' we got there at 11:30 and sang until 2:00am, lots of drink and lots of song to send any normal human being under the table. and i must say i was very pleased with myself, we got home at 5:00am, now for a 32 year old that is pretty damn 'super!' i haven't been out that late or early, in a long time, it did take me all of 24 hours to recover though.

waiting for the 4:30am tube home....aaahhhh london transport, sometimes you do get things right.


Blogger Drue said...

looks like a great new years

my blog is up and running again : )

5:13 am  
Blogger archikeat said...

hahaha, I have been one comment behind Drue.again. :P

Happy New Year Claire!
Best wishes from Melbourne~

1:15 pm  

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