Monday, March 20, 2006

pet peeve 4

let me set the scene for you:
sitting on the tube on a sunday morning about 11:30, the sun is out and everyone is peaceful in their acknowledgement that life is sometimes great in london......when on jumps a MANIAC! looking like a blobby kevin bacon from 'footloose' with a hendrix t-shirt on: he sits there playing air drums! yeah air drums then clapping his hands down on his thighs supposedly in time to the music, but believe me it wasn't. i really wanted to laugh, but couldn't as this person who is obviously doing something sociopathic could turn out to be a homicidal MANIAC. thankfully the blobby kevin bacon with the hendrix t-shirt got off but not after transforming my morning into one of bewilderment at some peoples inhabitions.
sooo the peeve is: don't inflict your lack of rhythm and musical taste on those that don't ask for it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should hang out in dalston more! talk about sociopathic homicidal maniacs... have you ever seen the guy in a hessian coat? not like some trendy hoxton post-modernness, no, it is actually made of potato sacks and stitched together. or the 'jesus loves you, i'm so happy and i'm not drunk and you're all going to hell you evil sinners and muslims' guy that gets on buses and starts preaching? (though he was wrong according to the jehovah's witness sitting next to me who new the REAL truth). god help me...

7:40 am  

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