Wednesday, December 27, 2006

christmas in east london

the week leading up to christmas in london was very misty and cold; a lovely lead up to the christmas break. we were never going to get a white christmas but this was the closest we were going to get and it was lovely.

Friday, December 08, 2006

facing company away days

it wasn't so bad after a few drinks....

Friday, December 01, 2006

company away days

now i am not a fan of company 'team building/getting to know the company' events but i had fun. this week we had 2 days at st. albans (a lovely hotel in the country) learning more about the company and getting to know each other; the daytime events were ok but in the evening we had a lovely dinner then a 'disco'. clara who is from columbia invited some friends to show us some samba and latin american dances. i was never interested in these dances until now, they were amazing; so graceful and energetic, they showed us their moves then proceeded to show us a few know i am almost tempted to go along to a class, that is if some people from work will come along as well.
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