Thursday, January 11, 2007

book club

i have been attending a book club with a few friends since the middle of last year. it has been fun and interesting to find out peoples different views on books i liked and loathed. at the moment we are reading 'and the ass saw the angel' by nick cave
this was my choice; i have always wanted to read this book but never got around to it. it is proving very interesting but i won't give anything away until i have finished it and attended our meeting next month.
other books we have read and my scores out of 10 are:
'orlando' by virgina woolf 5/10
'never let me go' kazuo ishiguro 2/10
'brighton rock' graham greene 9/10
'notes from the underground' fyodor dostoyevsky 7/10
'fiesta: the sun also rises' ernest hemingway 8/10
'the possibility of an island' michel houellebecq 3/10 for the first half of the book and 7/10 for the second half.

but one of my favourite books of last year was not a new release but 'day of the triffids' by john wyndham. i am not a fan of sci-fi literature but this book and also 'the chysalids' also by wyndham managed to capture my imagination and stay with me long after finishing. following this tradition of reading 2 books by the same author i am also planning on reading another graham greene book this year and another michel houellebecq. i found 'the possibility of an island' so confronting and hideous in it's subject matter that i am finding myself wanting to find out more about his work by reading more....looking forward to it? maybe not but it will be interesting.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

new year 2007

surprise, surprise! we went to karaoke but this time we tried a new venue; 'bloomsbury bowling alley' we got there at 11:30 and sang until 2:00am, lots of drink and lots of song to send any normal human being under the table. and i must say i was very pleased with myself, we got home at 5:00am, now for a 32 year old that is pretty damn 'super!' i haven't been out that late or early, in a long time, it did take me all of 24 hours to recover though.

waiting for the 4:30am tube home....aaahhhh london transport, sometimes you do get things right.
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